Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog


Additional Graduate Degrees

Additional USF graduate degrees may be earned simultaneously or after the completion of the initial graduate degree. In such cases the following requirements must be met:

  • Acceptance into the program: The student must meet the entrance requirements for each degree program. Acceptance into one program does not qualify as acceptance into another.
  • Transfer credits: Transfer credits accepted for the initial graduate degree may be accepted for an additional graduate degree.
  • Minimal Requirements: A graduate degree from USF consists of a minimum of 30 credit hours. Classes from another USF degree program, either completed or in process, may be used to meet the requirements for an additional degree. A minimum of 15 hours taken through USF must be distinct to the additional degree.

Individual program requirements: Each USF graduate program has a policy on acceptance of transfer credits and on the number of distinct credit hours required for an additional degree. The student should consult the appropriate graduate program director for further details.

Entrance Requirements

Admission to a Degree Program

Have an undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 point scale. Individual programs may require a higher entering GPA. For more information, consult the Academic Programs admissions information listed in this catalog.

Conditional Admission

Applicants who are missing an application item can be admitted conditionally. Conditionally accepted students may take one semester of coursework. No subsequent registration is permitted until all required materials are on file with the Graduate School and a final admission decision has been made.

Provisional Admission

Students who do not meet academic program entrance standards may be admitted to a graduate program provisionally. Students admitted provisionally are required to meet specific criteria as set by the program director to be fully admitted.

**Note: International students are not eligible for conditional or provisional admission.

International Students

Students from foreign countries who wish to study at the University of Saint Francis should start their correspondence several months prior to enrollment and be admitted no less than 60 days before the start of the semester. Students must also:

  • Submit a completed application and supporting documents. Completed applications and official records must be submitted no later than 60 days before the start of the semester.
  • Present official records of completion of academic work comparable to a secondary school program in the United States. All documentation in languages other than English must be accompanied by certified English translations and a course-by-course evaluation completed by World Education Services (WES) or a similar organization.
  • Provide certification of English proficiency by earning a score of 550 or above on the paper and pencil test, 80 or above on the internet-based test, or 213 or above on the computerized version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); a score of 6.5 on the IELTS; a Duolingo English test score of 105; two years of high school English with a grade of C or higher; or a semester of ESL coursework or college-level Composition from an accredited US institution with a grade of C or higher.
  • Show proof of financial capability sufficient to meet all expenses for one year. Once an applicant has provided this documentation, and after the applicant has been accepted for academic admission, a deposit of $150 in U.S. currency must be submitted to the University of Saint Francis. After the deposit is received, the I-20 form needed to obtain a student visa will be issued.
  • Show proof of adequate health and accident insurance coverage upon arrival in the U.S. or arrange for such coverage.

The I-20 will be issued only after the student has supplied the above documentation and has been accepted into an on-ground graduate program of study. The I-20 is not issued for Virtual Campus students.

Non-Degree Students

Individuals interested in taking graduate work for credit without pursuing a graduate degree are classified as Non-degree students. Non-degree students need to file an Application for Admission and submit a transcript from the regionally accredited institution in the United States of America from which they received their undergraduate or graduate degree. In addition, permission from the dean of the college or division director, program chair, or department chair is required for admission and entry into a course(s). These students are allowed to register for classes only after degree-seeking students have registered. Registration dates are posted in each term’s course schedule.

Transfer of Course Credit

Students may request transfer of credit for graduate work completed at another accredited institution. A range of 1-15 credit hours (determined by the division director, program director, or department chair) of graduate credit which meet degree requirements may be accepted at the master’s level.

No credit will be given for courses in which the grade was below a “B”.

Credit may not be given for courses that are more than five (5) years old.

The student may be requested to present catalog descriptions of the graduate courses for which transfer credit is requested.

Transfer grades will not be included in the cumulative Grade Point Average.

Approval of all transfer credit is the prerogative of the division director, program director, or department chair and the Director of the Graduate School.

Ordinarily, workshop courses and courses taught regularly at the University of Saint Francis may not be taken elsewhere after the student is enrolled in a degree program at the university. Once admitted to the University of Saint Francis, the student must obtain approval from the Director of the Graduate School prior to registering for coursework at another institution. Only grades of “B” or better will be accepted for transfer.


Students whose studies at the University of Saint Francis have been interrupted for two or more semesters must apply for readmission. All students readmitted to the university are readmitted under the degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

A student who left in good standing and is requesting readmission must:

  • Complete an application and submit it to the Office of Admissions.
  • Request that official transcripts from all institutions attended since leaving the University of Saint Francis be sent to the Office of Admissions. Transcripts will be evaluated, and the cumulative GPA will be calculated.
  • Students who are currently on suspension from another institution will not be readmitted until the suspension is served and they are eligible to return to that institution.

Once a student is readmitted, he or she should contact the academic division to set up a time to register with an academic advisor.

A student who left the University of Saint Francis on suspension must:

  • Complete the application and submit it to the Office of Admissions.
  • Request that official transcripts from all institutions attended since leaving the University of Saint Francis be sent to the Office of Admissions. Transcripts will be evaluated, and the cumulative GPA will be calculated.
  • Submit a letter addressed to the Academic Progress Committee stating:
  • What factors led to the suspension
  • Why the student wishes to return to USF
  • What the student has done since leaving USF
  • Why the student feels he/she would be successful now at USF

The Academic Progress Committee will review all students that have been suspended from the University of Saint Francis to determine readmission. Once a student is readmitted, he or she should contact the academic division to set up a time to register with an academic advisor.

Convicted of a Misdemeanor

An applicant’s admission on his/her application that he/she has been convicted of a misdemeanor (other than routine traffic offenses which do not involve property or personal injury) or felony will be considered along with other factors in determining whether the applicant meets the admissions criteria for becoming a student at the University of Saint Francis. The nature of the particular crime as well as the punishment will also be considered. Applicants who indicate their conviction of a misdemeanor or felony are required to provide details and documentation of the conviction(s), including but not limited to:

  • the nature of the crime
  • when it took place
  • where it took place
  • whether it was a crime of a violent or sexual nature
  • the sentencing or plea agreement (if applicable)
  • where the individual was incarcerated (if applicable)
  • statements from the applicable corrections department explaining the release, completion of sentence or rehabilitation program completed and terms of probation or parole

Two additional letters of professional reference will also be required for those applicants seeking admission with misdemeanor or felony convictions. If the applicant checks “yes,” but claims that the misdemeanor or felony has been expunged, then supporting documentation to prove that must be submitted to the Academic Progress Committee (APC) as well.

Health Sciences Clinical Experience Requirements

To ensure the safety of self and others, health science students are required to complete a variety of activities prior to participating in clinical/field experiences:

  • Submit proof of currency in CPR Certification for Health Professionals
  • Submit a completed health history and physical examination form
  • Provide documentation of immunizations*
  • Submit a negative TB skin test each year
  • Sign confidentiality forms: Verification of Health Insurance, Consent to Release Information, COHS Informed Consent, Student Confidentiality and Clinical Requirements & Technical Standards
  • Annually complete drug testing
  • Annually undergo a background check, which includes criminal history, driving history and Office of Inspector General’s list of excluded individuals
  • Meet technical standards related to: observation; communication; intellectual, conceptual, integrative and quantitative abilities; motor skills; behavioral and social attributes; tests and evaluations and clinical assessment.
  • Attend orientation and compliance sessions as required by clinical facilities
  • OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Clearance Questionnaire

*Immunizations required: Diptheria/Tetanus or Tdap, Hepatitis B, Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella, Chicken Pox (Varicella) or History of Disease, flu, Covid-19.  Religious or personal exemption waivers are only available for Covid-19 vaccine.  Additional vaccine requirements may be required by the agencies in which students participate in clinical, field, or internship experiences as a part of their academic program.  Vaccine requirements are subject to change without notice as determined by clinical, field, or internship agencies.  Additional immunizations may be required by student affairs at the University. 

The cost of the above activities is at the student’s own expense.

Affiliating agencies may withhold clinical/field experiences for students with the following records:

  • Positive drug screen
  • Crimes against the person such as battery or assault
  • Crimes based on dishonesty or untruthfulness such as theft or embezzlement
  • Drug and other substance abuse related crimes
  • History of recent DUI or other driving violations/penalties
  • Violation of organizational policies or code of conduct while involved in clinical/field education or employed at the organization
  • Failure to submit proof of all vaccination and clinical requirements established by the partner agency 

Without clinical/field experiences, the student cannot complete all aspects of the program and will be dismissed from the program.